Does My Cat Have Separation Anxiety?

by: FELIWAY Expert

January 13, 2023

Does My Cat Have Separation Anxiety?
Our cats all have their own personalities but do they miss us when we're out? If you're wondering does my cat have separation anxiety, read on to find out.

Curious Kitties! Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

by: FELIWAY Expert

January 13, 2023

Curious Kitties! Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?
Where would your cat be without its whiskers? They are your cat's ultimate sensory tool and are highly sensitive radars. Read more in this blog.

Posted in

Cat Behaviour

Why Do Cats Like to Climb Trees? A Kitty‚ Point of View!

by: FELIWAY Expert

January 13, 2023

Why Do Cats Like to Climb Trees? A Kitty’s Point of View!
Cats are natural climbers, they love to explore. Discover in this article how you can satisfy their exploratory nature in your home.

Posted in

Cat Behaviour

7 Tips To Get Dogs and Cats to Bond

by: FELIWAY Expert

January 13, 2023

7 Tips To Get Dogs and Cats to Bond
Do you want to help your pets get along? Discover our expert top tips to help get dogs and cats to bond in this blog.

Posted in

Cat Behaviour

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