Ideal for temporary stressful situations
FELIWAY Help! Pack of 3 cartridges
In stock
Estimated Delivery Date: March 29
Moneyback Guarantee
Be prepared for future temporary stressful events:
- Weekends or short breaks away
- Friends/family over for a party
- Changes at home (e.g. redecoration, new furniture)
- Recovery after a vet stay
3 cartridges of FELIWAY Help! each providing 1 week of support
- 3 x FELIWAY Help! Cartridges (3 x 7 days)
How to use FELIWAY Help! ?
- Ideally plug in 1-2 days before the anticipated stressful event
- Plug into a standard electric socket in your cat's favourite room
- Leave the diffuser plugged in day and night for best calming results

- The diffuser covers an area of up to 50mยฒ (approx a 2 bed house)
- Avoid plugging in the diffuser behind curtains or furniture, near open doors or windows, as it will not work properly

- FELIWAY Help! is ideal for temporary stressful situations for your cat, such as:
- Weekends Away
- Friends and Family over for a party
- Changes at home (e.g. redecoration, new furniture)
- Recovery after a stay at the vets