FELIWAY Classic comforts your cat at home and contributes to their happiness

FELIWAY Classic Diffuser

Feliway classic diffuser starter kit packshot
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
FELIWAY Classic Diffuser

FELIWAY Classic Diffuser

In stock

Estimated Delivery Date: March 29

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FELIWAY Classic is an excellent solution to help your cat feel comfortable at home and reduce signs of stress such as:

  • Urine spraying
  • Scratching
  • Hiding
  • Reactions to changes 
Up to 30 days of happiness
  • 1 x Diffuser
  • 1 x Vial FELIWAY Classic 48 ml
  • For every sale of Feliway Classic Diffuser 10p is donated to Cats Protection (Registered Charity Numbers 203644 & SC037711), committing to raising at least £45,000.00 during a 3-year period.

How to use FELIWAY Classic ?

Good to know

  • Plug the diffuser into an electrical socket.
  • For the best calming effect, leave the diffuser switched on 24/7.
  • Replace the refill every 30 days as needed.

Easy to use

  • Each diffuser refill covers an area of 70m²
  • Avoid plugging in the diffuser under shelves, behind doors, curtains or furniture, as it will not work properly.

More information

  • FELIWAY Classic Starter Kit diffuses a 'happy message', similar to the facial pheromone produced naturally by cats.
  • It helps cats feel safe and secure in their homes
  • To ensure your cat's continued comfort, replace the FELIWAY Classic refill every month, or as needed.
  • Scientifically proven & the original product for cat well-being for over 25 years.


cat scratching


This is Gomette. She is 3 years old and very playful and cuddly. I have a new job and I have to spend more time away. I think she reacted...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Adopting Cassius: Navigating Transitions and Tensions
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Adopting Cassius: Navigating Transitions and Tensions

Cassius Disco was a stray cat. When we adopted him, we quickly became attached to him. But when we moved house, he was very upset by all the construction. Then,...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
cat spraying


Simon is a 4 year old ginger tabby cat. He started spraying urine when he was 2 years old. He mainly urinates on my bed. Sometimes I think that his...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
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Mewsli was an abandoned cat. The first time we met him, he was tiny and scared. But I fell in love with him. He was very stressed and had taken...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
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Luke is a very independent cat! As I work a lot and am not at home very often, Luke is more of an outdoor cat. When I started spending more...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
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Risotto has been an anxious little cat since Martin, our son, was born. Risotto meowed every night. Risotto would wake the baby up at 6am, and stop as soon as...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser
Garfield | 10 years old
cat spraying

Garfield | 10 years old

Garfield was a particularly anxious cat when we took him in...... and he used to roam the house and urinate everywhere. We then used FELIWAY and within a few days...
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FELIWAY Classic Diffuser

How does FELIWAY® Classic work?

FELIWAY® Classic sends "happy messages" to cats that help them feel safe and secure at home. In this way, FELIWAY® Classic helps cats adjust to the pace of modern life, supporting their well-being and reducing signs of stress such as urine spraying, scratching, or hiding.
The “happy messages” that FELIWAY® Classic uses are the same messages cats release into the environment as a means of communication. These are known as pheromones. When cats feel comfortable and happy, they release these pheromones by rubbing their face against furniture, other household objects, surfaces, people, or even other cats at home. When they later come back across these messages in their environment, this helps cats to feel reassured.When modern life goes against a cat’s natural needs, they may not feel totally comfortable and may no longer release these messages. Instead, they may begin to show signs of discomfort such as urine spraying, scratching, or hiding. So, by mimicking the “happy messages”, FELIWAY® Classic can help cats to feel comfortable and secure once again.

Where should I use FELIWAY® Classic?

FELIWAY® Classic should be used in the room where your cat spends the most amount of time. Plug the diffuser into a properly functioning electrical socket that has clear space above it of at least 4ft (1.2m). This allows the oily vapor that carries the “happy messages” to rise above the diffuser in a column of warm air and into the surrounding environment.

When should I use FELIWAY® Classic?

You should use FELIWAY® Classic to comfort your cat when:
• Your cat shows stress-related signs, such as urine marking or scratching on walls or furniture.
• Your cat shows signs of unhappiness (e.g. hiding, low activity, lack of appetite, excessive grooming, etc.).
• You are planning to make changes in your home (e.g. moving, renovation, decoration, arrival of a new pet, arrival of a new family member, etc.).

How long should I use FELIWAY® Classic for?

Most cats will benefit from FELIWAY® Classic being used continuously to create a pleasant environment in your home. The minimum recommended duration of use for FELIWAY® Classic is one month.

How long does FELIWAY® Classic take to work?

Many cat parents start to see results within the first seven days of using FELIWAY® Classic. However, all cats are unique and results can vary. The first signs of your cat feeling more comfortable and secure may come later depending on the duration and severity of their behavior. We recommend that you use FELIWAY® Classic for at least one month to see the best results.

What situations will FELIWAY® Classic not work in?

If your cat is urinating, hiding, or has a lack of appetite for medical reasons, FELIWAY® Classic will not help. In these situations, it is important to consult a vet to rule out any potential medical issues.
Other situations in which FELIWAY® Classic is not an appropriate solution include:
• If your cat is urinating in your home but does not have access to a clean litter box.
• If your cat is scratching your walls or furniture but does not have access to a scratching post.
• If your cat does not get along with another cat living in the same household (we recommend using FELIWAY® MultiCat instead).
• If there is tension or even aggression towards a cat’s humans (we recommend that you consult your vet or an animal behaviorist).In these situations, it is important to ensure your cat has access to an adequate number of appropriately placed resources.

What is the difference between FELIWAY® Classic and FELIWAY® Friends?

FELIWAY® Classic and FELIWAY® Friends have key differences and should be used in different situations. FELIWAY® Classic mimics the natural messages that cats use to communicate and mark territory as safe and secure, known as pheromones. FELIWAY® Friends also mimics natural pheromones, but the ones that mother cats send to their kittens to help them bond together.
FELIWAY® Classic is a great option for helping cats who are showing signs of stress, such as scratching, urine spraying, or hiding. FELIWAY® Friends is suitable for reducing common signs of tension and conflict between cats at home, such as fighting, chasing, or blocking.

Can you use FELIWAY® Classic and FELIWAY® Friends together?

Yes, you can use FELIWAY® Classic and FELIWAY® Friends together at the same time. Using both FELIWAY® diffusers simultaneously can be beneficial in homes with multiple cats who are showing signs of conflict, or where an individual cat may also need extra support. For example, this might be if they’re also showing signs of stress including hiding, urine spraying, or scratching.

What is the difference between FELIWAY® Optimum and FELIWAY® Classic?

FELIWAY® Classic and FELIWAY® Optimum both work in similar ways, but they differ in the formulation of the messages they release into the environment. FELIWAY® Classic releases “happy messages” that mimic the natural chemicals cats use to mark an area as safe and secure, known as pheromones. FELIWAY® Optimum, on the other hand, uses a pheromone complex that has been specially designed using bioengineering technologies. FELIWAY® Optimum is our best ever FELIWAY® product for enhanced serenity, helping to solve the common signs of stress in cats.