When Is Cat Shedding Season?

by: FELIWAY Expert

May 01, 2024

When Is Cat Shedding Season?
Itโ€™s that time of the year again. No, not time to give up on your new yearโ€™s resolutions (that was the second week of January), but the time of year when us...

6 Grooming Tips For A Happy Cat

by: FELIWAY Expert

April 19, 2024

6 Grooming Tips For A Happy Cat
As any lover of cats knows, our feline friends have some truly impeccable grooming habits. In fact, cats spend a significant portion of their day doing very little else! All the same,...

Kitty Grooming: Why Do Cats Lick Themselves?

by: FELIWAY Expert

June 21, 2023

Kitty Grooming: Why Do Cats Lick Themselves?
Your kitty likes to keep their fur in a very purr-ticular way! Cats are very clean animals. You may have noticed that your furry friend works hard to keep their coat in...

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cat over grooming

How To Prevent Bald Patches On Cats

by: FELIWAY Expert

February 15, 2023

How To Prevent Bald Patches On Cats
Did you know that grooming is a learned behaviour that helps your purrfect puss stay clean and soothe themselves? Some grooming is necessary for your furry friend to keep their coat looking...

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cat over grooming

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