The Joys of Adopting a Cat: From a Kittyโ€™s Point of View!

by: FELIWAY Expert

July 30, 2024

Cat paws wrapped around their humanโ€™s hand.
Ah yes, the pure pleasures of adopting a cat. Introducing us furry companions into your life could very well be the best decision you ever make. Why, you ask? Well, sit back,...

Moving Furniture? Watch Out For Kitty Stress!

by: FELIWAY Expert

January 13, 2023

Moving Furniture? Watch Out For Kitty Stress!
Are you planning to move or rearrange your furniture? Here's why its important to think about your cats feelings to avoid kitty stress!

How to move with a cat: 15 tips

by: FELIWAY Expert

January 13, 2023

How to move with a cat: 15 tips
Are you planning to move house soon? Don't forget that change can be stressful for cats! Here are 15 tips on how to move with a cat.

Moving house is a BIG deal for your cat

by: FELIWAY Expert

January 13, 2023

Moving house is a BIG deal for your cat
Moving house is a BIG deal for your cat. FELIWAY Cat Calming Advice & Tips for Moving Home With A Cat.

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